necessary qualification

美 [ˈnesəseri ˌkwɑːlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]英 [ˈnesəsəri ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]
  • 必备的素质
necessary qualificationnecessary qualification
  1. Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job .


  2. The standard definition seems to take reliance on markets for economic transactions as a necessary qualification for an economy to be seen as capitalist .


  3. Top-ranking colleges and universities will have outstanding faculty , outstanding faculty is necessary qualification for top-ranking colleges and universities .


  4. The analysis of the model shows that the proportional relationship between laser power and scanning velocity is the necessary qualification to get good equality of the LOM prototype .


  5. Patience is a very necessary qualification for coastguard skippers ; the commanders appear to have patience of job .


  6. A learner with instrumental motivation is more interested in how the second language can become a useful instrument towards furthering other goals , such as gaining a necessary qualification or improving employment prospects .


  7. Governmental credit is the premise and foundation of the market-oriented economy , and a favorable environment for governmental credit is the necessary qualification and basic guarantee for persistent , speedy and healthy development of national economy .


  8. If beauty sways interviewers , the beautiful will , by and large , have more successful careers than the ugly & even in careers for which beauty is not a necessary qualification .


  9. Basing on the view of improving the anti-scuffing and wear resistance capabilities , the paper sets a mathematical model about modification coefficient optimization design of involute gear under necessary restrict qualification and has empoldered user-friendly interface , high precision parameterized design VB application software .


  10. The units engaged in contracted construction of foreign projects or service cooperation with other countries shall have the necessary eligibility or qualification .


  11. The authentification of the measurement administration department of provincial level is necessary for the qualification of a secondary laboratory of building materials .


  12. Another consequence of cheating is that it proves one has not acquired the knowledge necessary to warrant the qualification sought .


  13. Therefore , it is necessary to implement the qualification license of out-of-gauge and overweight goods transportation to the carrier .


  14. Other situations in which PBC considers necessary to abrogate post-holding qualification .


  15. It is necessary to expanse the qualification of plaintiff to improve the prosecution system , to regulate the court of jurisdiction , to protect the implementation of the civil right to appeal and to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens .


  16. It is absolutely necessary to set specialized courses in law schools in colleges and universities , to organize necessary qualification examinations and to carry out life - time education in professional training of morality with thorough awareness of the its importance .
